Hi, my name is William Carter and today at around 1:10 in the afternoon went to my media studies class for the first time and I was introduced to Ms.Duplessis and all this course has to offer with the syllabus and a short video describing how the course would work and it was a pretty interesting video. I learned a lot. Such as media studies is not just movies in this class it consists of more Such as magazines and video games. A bit more about myself i’m 17. I really like animals I like going outside and looking at stuff I have like five aice classes at one AP class this year so I’m gonna really really tight schedule. I have to try to mange my time well between teachers. I’m excited for what senior has to offer. I’ve heard a lot of good and bad about it. I’m gonna try to do a lot more clubs and sports try out for Basketball and try hard in band. I play drums and you will probably catch me jumping on the table a lot and probably had to tell me to stop because I can’t stop. It just always happens somehow I don’t know enough for my first post for reading and I hope you have a good day.
Over the shoulder shot: multi layer video Two shot: lovely photo Master shot: students at work Low angle shot: Lemarcus laughing high angle shot: nikeyma got something in her hair Mid shot: lemarcus looking at his work Close shot: the big realization establishing shot: mayhem in media studies Long shot: goofy video Overhead shot: getting the work done
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