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AICE media studies blog post 3 period 8

 Barbra's Blog post 2 

Video 4 close up shot

This shot conveys a feeling of interest in someone's head thinking "what is this kid doing" since this angle allows me to see the handsome young individual doing things no typical person would do which entertains. However it is a pretty boring shot with no real dialect

Video 9 master shot

This video uses a wide angle to establish a sense of understanding of what is going on in the room amongst the people and makes viewer feel like they’re in the room. However I wish more was going on in the shot

Video 3 Over the shoulder shot 

This video intreges the audience with this handsome young mans rapping abilities showing his talents and his various fields of study and skills 

Ethan Blog post 2 

Video 1 over the shoulder shot 

The shot captures a sense of mystery wondering what the humble young man is reading and allow you to feel the tension between the man next to the camera and what they’re looking at

video 4 wide shot

the camera being at such far range with a heavy focus on a humble nice young man conveys the feeling of wonder and it creates a great isolation between the audience and the character

video 5 waist shot

this shot allows the audience a sense of comprehension on how the characters act and how they act however they could have some more action and more to watch giving some more info


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