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Analyzing Technical Elements of Film AICE media studies

 Red Notice

The movie I choose to write about today is "Red Notice"(2021) by Rawson Thurber this movie falls into the Drama, Action, and Comedy Thriller. This is because the movie consists of intense adventures with hooking story and a underline sense of humor always delivered at the right time. it uses many different camera skills to attain your attention. I was hooked the entire movie. This movie provides a crimefull intense mood.

This scene provides a drone movement capturing the setting the movie starts out at. and at the end it pans onto the main character with a mid shot capturing his outfit that demands respect. this makes the audience get a feel of understanding of what's going on and who the main character is. 

This scene uses a high angle, ,aster shot, with a slight pan movement this creates a sense of aww in the movie and creating wonder of where they are and the scene provides great visuals with a serious tone. and creating a hooking atmosphere. x 0:07 time stamp.

This is a two shot, standard focus, with a camera shake and it creates a sense of suspense seeing that they are both stuck against each other and makes you think that maybe they'll help each other to get out of their situation despite their differences. Also very action packed driving an even better reason to stay hooked the entire movie

    This is a establishing shot with a tilt movement showing the atmosphere and showing that this is where the main objective of the movie is. This also makes you lean forward and pay attention to the scene creating a intense feeling knowing this is important. and this sets the tone for how important this artifact is sense its in such a fancy and covered room centered n in the middle implying its great value.

This is a dolly shot making the audience feel betrayed and a great big realization from a big twist. (spoiler alert) one of the main characters of the entire movie is the antagonists husband creating a strong sense of emotion. and the big twist wasn't seen coming completely changing the viewers perspective on everything that just happened in the movie


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