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Editing and transition


1. Crosscutting 

0:00-0:16 This transitions between the 2 characters situation to allow the viewer to understand the POV and the situations their facing to see what might be the issue going on.  Feeling for their situation and how their unaware of the situation of the others. It lets the reader construct all of the events going on at once.

2. Eyeline match

0:17 This transition shows the viewer that the "bad guy" in the scene can now see one of the protagonists And creates a sense of suspense and worry seeing as the bad guy has one of the protagonists in his sights and he's chasing after her.

3. Eyeline match 

1:11-1:13 The transition showing a character look through binoculars and seeing monsters incoming towards them highlighting the impending danger coming towards the character creating a sense of suspense for the viewer and anxiety of what if the monsters reach him 

4. Short takes 

1:39-1:44 includes a flashback of small clips capturing important moments in the characters life making the viewer see what moments matter to the character and understand what moments she recalls too when needing to feel better

5. Action match

0:36 This transition shows the character opening the door and seeing that the door is blocked shut with wood and she cant get out making the audience feel worried and stressed that she cant get out to escape the house 

6. Straight cut

1:33 This cut transitions into a cool solo from a character on a guitar during a super important event creating more of a "lean into your screen" type effect and a super exciting scene for the viewer 

7. Cutaway

1:57 This tansition shows the monsters heading towards one of the protagonists as he's playing on the guitar showing the incoming danger in the climactic situation

8. Action match

0:59 this transition showing a bully run and end up talking the protagonist on the ground jumps from the character initally running and cutting straight to him tackling the protagonist down and shows the viewer that she got caught and creates a sense of worry of what's going to happen to her

9. Expansion of time 

1:50-2:00 The transitions drag out the scene and make it seem longer than it actually is creating more suspense for the viewer and making you sit on the edge of the seat by having all the characters situation come together at once 

10. crosscutting


This crosscutting section starts to build heavy suspense starting a guitar solo and nearing the monsters catching one of our protagonists and max the other protagonist getting charged at by her evil brother making the viewer anxious for our character


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