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 Dare to Thrill #1 

The video used music in the majority of the screen time had use of  low key lighting and not a lot of dialogue more so letting the wide shots and close ups on the car do the story telling the ending scene using the trunks POV to make it more mysterious to what the thing was in the truck that scared the kids. The opening scene definitely establish what is going on with the use of mis en scene to create a setting of thrill and black colors make the scene feel more mysterious and daring and living up to its title

Always watching #2 

The use of close ups definitely capture the heavy emotions on the character and the mis en scene of a therapist place definitely made me more interested and using the down lighting in the mirror and transitioning from him to his friend was interesting it helped me understand how much the character wanted to be his bestfriend and use of lowkey lighting and red color highlights capture the emotion of the characters  it seem dangerous and psychotic and that made me more interested in the scene. The transitions of the scene making it seem like a complation of moments helped me understand the characters point of view of how he felt about his friend

The Blue Boar #3 

The use of close ups in the beginning of the scene show the face and set the pace for a drama but then the tone shifts and uses technical elements that are not necessary like a close up on her foot Instead I would make every scene of mine purposeful. The music/song created in the scene didn't do much and the scenes of picking up flowers and running through bushes didn't do a lot for the scene which make me straw away from this way of filming in my own opening scene. Picking up leaves at the end seemed pointless and doesn't set the tone for the rest of the movie 

White coat #4

The use of everything in this film was amazing. The smoke and lowkey lighting creates so much suspense and each scene seemed purposeful. The close ups on the characters situation to the ending seeing what the crazy doctor is doing with the mixers paved a perfect story for the whole scene. The close up on the patient poster envelopes me in a sense of mystery especially with him being patient 534 makes me think about what happened to the rest of the 533 patients. This scene sets a good example for what I would like to do for my personal opening scene.

Stalker #5 

 The beginning capturing her room and what she was doing gave me a prediction for how the whole scene was going to go especially considering the title. This scene seemed average the closes up on her face showing how scared/concerned allowed me to further predict the seen however the colors and lighting didn't give off enough mystery for the scene the bright light and white color didn't make me feel nervous for what's going to happen. The use of music made the scene more dramatic which I did enjoy and the common use of music shows me that I should incorperate it in my intro scene.

Nostalgia #6

The sad music and transitions from the present to the past help stay true to the title very well. I like the use of the sound because it helps the viewer capture the same emotion the character is feeling in the scene and the transtition's to the past relate to the viewer in the sense of recalling and old time you miss and looking back on how you felt in the time. The transition from her being old to her being young i feel wasn't done the best i feel like the editing could've been done a lot better as it was a straight cut and should've been more of a fade away to really show the change from old to young

Rise #7

The film gives off a motivating and dedicated emotions showing the kid practice with mid shots, close ups, and wide shots showing what he's doing and practicing his sport. The use of the song added more depth as the song sounded like something you listened to during a workout and the ending scene with the close ups on the two characters faces created anamosity between the two characters creating tension and keeping the audience interested for what the rest of the movie would have to offer. The emotionless look on their faces shows that they're not friends and that whatever is between them is serious I the mis en scene helped highlight the title "Rise".

Dear Lover #8


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