Challenges in the filming process of our opening scene include setting up the lighting we want to capture the mood and tone of the movie. Finding places to film is difficult as we don't really have access to a commercial hospital bed and hospital scenery we are going to have to improvise for a lot of the props and mis en scene needed in our opening film. everyone is pulling their own weight in making sure their roles are filled in editing, acting, and filming. our group is able to effectively communicate and set up how we are going to be able to make each shot work and make everything happen with the limited tools we have. We have faced challenges in the filming process however we are able to take whatever means necessary to make an entertaining and effective opening film. Overcoming challenges isn't new to everyone on our team and with effective planning, communicating, and execution we will be able to get our job done.
Over the shoulder shot: multi layer video Two shot: lovely photo Master shot: students at work Low angle shot: Lemarcus laughing high angle shot: nikeyma got something in her hair Mid shot: lemarcus looking at his work Close shot: the big realization establishing shot: mayhem in media studies Long shot: goofy video Overhead shot: getting the work done
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