During filming throughout the past 2 weeks, my team definitely faced a lot of challenges, and we had to come up with many solutions and compromises. In the beginning, we went to the Zen room of our school to film a hospital scene and we weren't able to get the section of the room we were planning on so we had to compromise with a different section and use the materials available in the room to use as hospital equipment" with yoga mats and sheets and a computer stand as a table for all the doctor's tools. When filming our scene for the first time, we encountered many issues such as gloves and masks breaking. In addition, we had trouble with lighting, having to find different ways to get the lighting we planned on to capture the mood and tone of the scene that we intended. We had to prop one of our teammate's phones on a wall and use other phone flashlights to get better lighting and it ended up not working well. And while trying to move to see what we were filming we bumped into the wall and our teammate's phone fell and broke. Something we didn't intend to happen, but he was able to fix it and the next week we came up with a better plan. We came with more supplies in case stuff broke and with a planner of what each scene should look like to make better shots. All the time we had to make our scene was put to use and we were effective at correcting our mistakes and taking better shots.
Over the shoulder shot: multi layer video Two shot: lovely photo Master shot: students at work Low angle shot: Lemarcus laughing high angle shot: nikeyma got something in her hair Mid shot: lemarcus looking at his work Close shot: the big realization establishing shot: mayhem in media studies Long shot: goofy video Overhead shot: getting the work done
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