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Editing 1

 This week, Janelle began editing the scenes we filmed last week together. Carl-Daniel will be the primary editor because he has the most experience; however, Janelle also helped edit one particular scene to draw more attention to the focus shift within the scene and add realistic sound to it as Janelle had access to a more detailed editing software. The scene was only about 10 seconds long, but it took Janelle a good 2-3 hours to finish getting the sound effects we wanted using a sound-designing software and making the focus shift look more noticeable and seamless. Carl-Daniel also spent a few hours this week piecing together the other shots we took to make them coherent and added transitions to them. We are mostly just using straight cuts in this part of the sequence to speed up the pace and build anticipation for what's happening; however, we also realized while editing that we wanted to film an additional scene with a close-up of a flashlight (making it look like a surgical light) to do a graphic match to the first part of the sequence (in the woods) to better connect the 2 parts of the sequence. 

Other than that, we mostly only used blur effects to create different focus-effects to draw attention to the right parts of the scene (i.e. what Janelle did with the focus-shift). Audio-wise, in the scene we've been editing, we are primarily just going to add in beeping monitors and add a voiceover of the few lines of dialogue in this part of the scene (e.g. of William saying "scalpel" and "14-gauge"). Janelle was able to find a free version of a beeping heart-rate monitor that quickens and eventually stops that Janelle added to the track after adjusting it, time wise, to fit into what's happening on the monitor using Adobe Audition. The main problem we've had editing so far has been inconsistency and the time-consuming nature of editing, primarily because Carl wanted to edit most of the scenes himself. That is why Janelle insisted on editing the focus-shift scene, as Janelle knew that would only present an additional task for him to do when Janelle had access to Adobe Premiere Pro, which made it easier anyway. We have yet to decide on fonts we are using in the film; however, we know we want it to be something horror-esc. We know that the title will be "Dr. Carter" and will come on screen in the last few seconds of the film as an action match (when Dr. Carter is attacked at the end, the letters will follow the movement of the bat used to attack him as the camera jerks to black). At the beginning, we will also include the names of the main actors (Kobe and William), as well as the director (me) and the editor (Carl).


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