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Showing posts from September, 2024

Movie Rating Blogpost AICE media studies

 Red Notice I feel that Red Notice definitely gets 20 points in the telling-a-story department from the scene of the movie to the last I was hooked, and I never wanted to take my head away from the screen I was hooked, it told an amazing story of a criminal and a cop trying to take down a bigger criminal is such an interesting story trying to steal the greatest piece of treasure before the bigger criminal does is a story that always had me hooked. In the camera work department, I believe it got 10 points because while the scenes were interesting it didn't use many unique shots, movements, and angles to make you feel immersed in the movie, and a lot of changes that weren't needed, a lot of shots that didn't make the screenplay blend well, but did deliver when needed to. This movie gets 15 points for audio and dialogue there definitely didn't have any iconic soundtrack with songs and audio that were gold however, it provided great dialogue between characters that seemed t...

Analyzing Technical Elements of Film AICE media studies

  Red Notice The movie I choose to write about today is   "Red Notice" (2021) by Rawson Thurber this movie falls into the Drama, Action, and Comedy Thriller. This is because the movie consists of intense adventures with hooking story and a underline sense of humor always delivered at the right time. it uses many different camera skills to attain your attention. I was hooked the  entire movie . This movie provides a crimefull intense mood. This scene provides a drone movement capturing the setting the movie starts out at. and at the end it pans onto the main character with a mid shot capturing his outfit that demands respect. this makes the audience get a feel of understanding of what's going on and who the main character is.  This scene uses a high angle, ,aster shot, with a slight pan movement this creates a sense of aww in the movie and creating wonder of where they are and the scene provides great visuals with a serious tone. and creating a hooking atmosphere. x 0...

Sound Art Project period 8 AICE media studies

 scene #1 visiting a zoo 1. footsteps 2. look at an elephant 3. hear birds singing 4. see some wolfs howl 5. watching tiger roar                                               1st. Owl sound                                              2nd. Tire screech                                              3rd. Walking through thick grass                                              4th. Animal in bushes

AICE media studies period 8 Blog Post #4

 Rule of thirds  1. The camera work allows for the young black gentleman in frame to really be a prime focus of the image with a secondary focus of what he is doing  2. The audience should feel happy seeing the man smile as he reads a book interested in what he is reading  Deep Focus  1. This photo allows to get a good facial analysis of who this humble young man allowing to see the demeanor of his face establishing character  2. The audience should feel understanding of who this is and how they are feeling within the moment Shallow focus 1. The photo allows to capture the background while keeping an emphasis on the person in the photo seeing the mood in the setting he's in 2. This allows the audience to feel a sense of immersion seeing the character and the setting allowing to feel the appropriate emotions within the setting Focus pull 1. The structure of the camera allows to capture a dual focus of one character to another that has more interesting moveme...

Aice media studies period 8 blog post #4

Mis en scene is used in the movie to create a storytelling narrative and to give certain personas to different characters were Dwayne The Rock Johnson is constantly shown in a strong, masculine manner with low angles, close-ups, standard focus, and masculine colors to help create his strong and directive demeanor . is also use with Ryan Reynolds steaming as of a mysterious and mischievous thief, constantly using close-ups and quick camera movements to see the underlying maneuvers he does to stay out of trouble or to get out of situations. And the bishop in the movie is constantly portrayed as a master with many mid shots and bright red symbolizing her power and her always being one step ahead in the movie. what is established characteristics and the use of mis en scene to highlight the extremities of certain settings and using dark, eerie and mysterious, sounds and props in thief littered settings and bright, loud, and The right comedic effect used in really action, pack settings, and ...

AICE media studies blog post 3 period 8

 Barbra's Blog post 2  Video 4 close up shot This shot conveys a feeling of interest in someone's head thinking "what is this kid doing" since this angle allows me to see the handsome young individual doing things no typical person would do which entertains. However it is a pretty boring shot with no real dialect Video 9 master shot This video uses a wide angle to establish a sense of understanding of what is going on in the room amongst the people and makes viewer feel like they’re in the room. However I wish more was going on in the shot Video 3 Over the shoulder shot  This video intreges the audience with this handsome young mans rapping abilities showing his talents and his various fields of study and skills  Ethan Blog post 2  Video 1 over the shoulder shot  The shot captures a sense of mystery wondering what the humble young man is reading and allow you to feel the tension between the man next to the camera and what they’re looking at video 4 wide sho...