Red Notice I feel that Red Notice definitely gets 20 points in the telling-a-story department from the scene of the movie to the last I was hooked, and I never wanted to take my head away from the screen I was hooked, it told an amazing story of a criminal and a cop trying to take down a bigger criminal is such an interesting story trying to steal the greatest piece of treasure before the bigger criminal does is a story that always had me hooked. In the camera work department, I believe it got 10 points because while the scenes were interesting it didn't use many unique shots, movements, and angles to make you feel immersed in the movie, and a lot of changes that weren't needed, a lot of shots that didn't make the screenplay blend well, but did deliver when needed to. This movie gets 15 points for audio and dialogue there definitely didn't have any iconic soundtrack with songs and audio that were gold however, it provided great dialogue between characters that seemed t...